RawGround (RG) features 12:00 – a vignette of 12 works.
This platform promulgates a curated mini-marathon that nurtures dialogue through enquiry and examination. Twelve short films released over twelve hours which are conducted by artists and non-practitioners, each investigating diverse subject matters.
This year, RAW Moves is proud to present a digitalised performance of RawGround: Reference.
References are the frameworks through which we develop several different facets of our lives – ourselves, others, the past and the present. It is through the dictates of our referential frameworks that we are able to make meaning of and participate in personal, cultural and national discourses. This vignette of 12 works touches on ‘Inclusivity’, ‘Empowerment’, and ‘Sensing’ – all of which interrogate various points of references including memory, heritage, culture, and technology.
More information here: www.rawmoves.net